Monday, June 30, 2008

eOnline Art Show - Floorcloths by Iris Potter

Hey Kids,

Gotta have art... so this weekend I meandered through the La Jolla Art Festival.

I always end up buying something that I'll treasure forever.
Unlike clothes that wear out and styles that change, art

It feeds you every time you view it and turns up the volume on beauty.

I have been looking for a rug for my small balcony for quite awhile. Most options are very expensive and boring.

I uncovered the most magical solution... an
Iris Potter floorcloth. I couldn't believe how reasonable
her prices are! And you save money because you don't
have to frame this painting!

Click here: Or paste this link in your browser:

I bought the one that's featured on her home page.

I've always had a passion for Trompe L'oeil!

It's like having a painting that you can walk on because the canvas rug has been sealed
and that keeps damage to a minimum.

With just me and the cats, it will last a long time but when my cousin brings her 9 kids over I'll pull it up.

I placed mine in the shade as recommended and I will also bring it in during rains, (which it seldom does in San Diego).

I've always had a passion for functional art. I'd much rather drink from a mug made by a potter and write on a hand hewn wooden inlaid clipboard than use the mass produced stuff from the stores.

Besides whenever I spend money with an artist, I'm supporting the arts and bringing success to an entrepreneur.

The only way artists can stay in business is when we buy their stuff. Almost everything in my place was either made by me or another artist. It's really fun to surround yourself with art you can use... things that are unique. Plus the art triggers memories of your journeys.

Wander through her gallery. Maybe you'll find a floor cloth to brighten your corner of the world.

If you want to see more pictures of the show... click here.
Or paste this url in your browser:

Your Art Coach,

Sandra Angelo

Sandra Angelo


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